03 apríl 2008


I got my invitation to Raverly.com yesterday and OMG it just eats up all my time.... You know how it is. You just can spend hours looking at projects from others, browsing groups, patterns, people and so on.

My raverly name is: zandi Just uploaded few of my projects I've done in the past and there is more to come, and soon I will put some here.

but here is a little sample of what I've been doing lately, just have to finish it completely

Will post better pics of it later and with my daughter in it.

7 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Fallegt vesti í fallegum litum. Ég er einmitt nýbúin að prjóna tvö slík, á bara eftir að setja inn mynd af öðru þeirra.

Lil Knitter sagði...

Very pretty...will be back to see it finished.

Beth @ TheAngelForever sagði...

Welcome to the bloggy world! I came from the KAL to check your site. Have fun and I look forward to seeing your work.

The Angel Forever

Aunt Kathy sagði...

I love to blog, feel free to link to my blog.

My Ravelry name is Gimpykatk

marit sagði...

Looks great!

Amy the knittin fool sagði...

I'd love for you to link to my blog as well.

Also, my ravelry name is stitchwit




I love your daughters vests. The yoke then the bottom part or body part, very clever. I will have to try this for one of my granddaughters.