08 apríl 2008

Pics ?

Well, the internet connection is better now, so I hope I will be able to put some pics in with this post. The cardigan I'm making for my son is going ok, but it will take some time. I really have 2 cardigans going on now. One for my son Alexander and one for my baby gir Lína Rut. But yesterday I lost one stitch and it was one from the end, so I couldnt fix it myself so I started on the cardigan for Lína Rut in the meantime. My mom came and fixed it then for me. Where would I be without my mum ???

But here is a little preview of the green cardigan I'm making for Alexander. well it is a bit bigger now, about 6 more cm.

And here is a picture of the vest I made for my daughter Thelma Lind. She has red hair so these colors are just great for her. Will put a pic of her wearing it soon. She is very happy with it and can't wait for me to knit something more for her LOL.

And finally the sweater I made for my hubby to use on the ship. I really like how it turned out.

So now I just have to keep on knitting like crazy :o)

5 ummæli:

marit sagði...

I love lopisweaters! Yours have very nice patterns!
I made several of them for all my family when I lived on Iceland, but that is 20+ years ago-and somehow they've shrunk...or maybe the rest of us has grown:-D

Harpa Jónsdóttir sagði...

Flott peysa og vesti!

Herdis sagði...

Ofsalega falleg lopapeysa! Vestið er líka flott, ég hef ekki séð svona áður svo ég muni (en ég er líka búin að búa erlendis í fimm ár, svo það er kannski ekki að marka mig). Er þetta Ístex uppskrift?

Eygló sagði...

VEstið er úr prjónablaðinu Tinni nr 39. og er prjónað úr Alfa, Mjög vinsælt af prinsessunni sem fékk það :o)

Shirl sagði...

I have a little something special for you on my blog.